Wednesday, January 19, 2011

30 Day Blog Challenge -- Day 1!

Oh hey. So I've decided to do a 30-day blog challenge, but I don't really have a central list of the planned 30 days, I'm not going to do one every day, and I'm basically just picking and choosing interesting topics from all the lists that are out there on the internet. (If you read them, you'll see why I'm doing this. I don't want to "write a letter to my 16-year-old self" or "plan my ideal wedding." Sorry.) So basically, I am...going to write 30 blog entries, in no particular time frame, about random plagiarized topics. How terribly original of me!
Anyway, my topic for Day 1 is Bullet Your Day.

Today, I...
  • Resisted waking up due to stress-induced insomnia on Monday night. (I love midterm week. It's a really fascinating opportunity to explore the deleterious effects of learning on the human body.)
  • Didn't eat breakfast.
  • Went to school, and had a wonderful time taking a calc exam. I spent a lot of the time listening to my stomach growl, whimpering, and asserting that the derivative of 1 was 1.
  • Went out to breakfast! What larks!
  • Spent an unhealthy amount of time watching wizard rock videos on Youtube.
  • Re-read Murder in the Cathedral and Oedipus Tyrannos. Discovered Quizlet. Made 251 Quizlet flashcards for vocabulary words. Incessantly played Scatter on Quizlet. I love you, Quizlet! Composed an internal rant about how our English education is essentially flawed. (N.B. This is all studying...I could have just said "studied," but I felt that didn't fully convey the mind-numbing pain of AP Literature.)
  • Ate dinner and wrote this blog.
So yeah, a pretty good day (although it seems like I'm complaining a lot. I blame the midterms.) In the tradition of 5AG, today was awesome because my friend and I ate amazing breakfast foods instead of taking an exam.


Ari said...

1. What is 5AG?
2. I'm bulleting my day today as day four of my 30 day blog challenge and it is PAINFULLY specific. I'm dying.

AWholeFlotilla said...

1. 5AG stands for Five Awesome was a Youtube project where every person had one day of the week that they'd make a video, and that's how they stayed in touch. But in every video they had to say why their day was awesome. I just started watching them, but then they finished at the end of 2010 :/
2. Haha I know! I'm planning to do the "30 things about yourself" one next...that's going to be interesting.

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